Steven Tyler – seriously…just stop

When you look like an ape, you’re lucky if you can make it in the world of celebrities. But when you look like AND sound like an ape, it’s just some kind of damned miracle.

And enter stage right, Steven Tyler.

Don’t get me wrong – Aerosmith was a great band back in the day when all rockstars were openly on drugs and sang songs about sex and drugs. But when he decided in 1986 that it was time to stop doing drugs and hit up rehab, it was a little difficult to continue singing about it. Aerosmith used their popularity to continue making and selling albums while Steve was sober, but quickly realized that when people were sober and happy in Aerosmith, they made CDs that were undeniably poppy. Might this have been a reason our old friend took the trip back down pain killer lane in 2008? That’s my guess, but I’ll leave all of that up to you.

Back in rehab, and with the 900th departure of Joe Perry from the band, it seemed like Aerosmith had finally had their last hurrah. But no – the saga continues, as Steven emerges from a ritzy rehab center in Pasadena.

Stevie decided in 2010 that he was going to do something worse than get addicted to pain killers…this time, he was going to judge American Idol. As far as I have researched, there is no rehab for being a regular member of a terrible reality show. But I find it silly that this guy who literally sounds like a dying ape when he sings can tell people whether they can or cannot sing. When your band is older and has been making music longer than their parents have been alive, that doesn’t mean you have a right to tell someone who clearly wants to be a part of today’s pop culture that they have no talent.

I mean, really, who does this guy think he is? And WHY do people still want to hear him sing? As a vocalist myself, I have no idea how this guy continues to rip his vocal chords in half each time he “sings” (screams/growls/cackles). But as an appreciator of music, I don’t understand how this guy still has such a huge following. It’s not like he’s good looking, or ever has been for that matter. At least with other 60+ year old male musicians (Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger, etc.), they once had sex appeal and still have a little bit left in them.

This guy is nothing but an ape/Geico man look alike with a played out opinion.

And the Cleveland Browns fan in me comes out…..BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

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