Welfare Porn?? What is this world coming to…

I really sincerely thought I’d heard it all. But recently, while educating myself on local issues, a bullshit “national” story came through: Octomom Nadya Suleman wants to do porn.


Okay but really. Is this bitch SERIOUS? I mean, first of all, everyone knows you’re in debt and now you’ve publicly declared bankruptcy. Duh. What did you think having 14 children and being a single mom would do to you? I can’t even imagine having one these days, let alone have 14 of those things running around. $30,000 behind on her rent payments (pretty sure I’d be evicted after being $1000 behind in rent) and some porn company is offering to pay off her house and pay toward her bankruptcy.

I think this is just an example of how disgusting people who regularly watch porn are. And really, the only reason this company wants this woman in a film is because she looks a little bit like Casey Anthony, but they won’t get threatened by Nancy Grace and her psycho followers if they feature her in a film. Plus, they don’t have to worry about the guy getting off because this woman has birthed 14 CHILDREN – things have got to just be floppy down there.

I recently read that she was offered a gig to “perform solo” rather than be involved in a full out porn. Hopefully, they’ll just focus on her face, because again, things can’t be good down there.

So – I thought I’d make it easy for this headcase by making a list of things she should shut up about:

1. Stop complaining about being bankrupt – YOU HAVE FOURTEEN CHILDREN. This is your fault. And it’s not like you did a good deed and adopted these kids…nope – you got them by in vitro fertilization.
2. No one normal wants to see you naked.
3. No one normal would want to sleep with you. Ever.
4. Clearly you’re already a great role model for your children, but seriously, can you just stop it before we have 14 more juvenile convicts/teen mom’s in our society?
5. You’re on welfare – I am literally financing your dumb life. Get a job, marry rich, do SOMETHING…or give up your children. I’m SURE they’d be better off anyway.

If you’re reading this thinking that I’m being ridiculous and rude and OMG SHE SHOULDN’T PUT THOSE KIDS IN FOSTER CARE – just read this. You’ll change your mind. Immediately.

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